05 January 2010

painting projects

With most regular activities on hold over school holidays, I've been searching for inspiring projects to do with my toddler to keep him entertained - this is especially important on the hot days when we can't be outside all day. Here are my current favourite painting projects sourced from other blogs:

Vegetable printing from Domesticali (pictured above), Make-Stuff and BloesemKids (pictured below)

I also adapted the methods for vegetable printing to make my Christmas wrapping paper this year by using household sponges cut into shapes as prints. Here was the result:

After an afternoon of painting yesterday, I have the following tips for keeping it as mess-free as possible (I emphasise "possible", as painting with a toddler will inevitably involve some mess, make no mistake!):
  • lay down plastic tablecloth over the surface on which you are going to be painting - if you are sitting over carpet, I also suggest putting something protective over the carpet as well. Spotlight sells plastic tablecloth material cut to measure in an assortment of colours and patterns, as well as clear/colourless;
  • blue tac or sticky-tape the paint pots or plates (I use old yoghurt and butter containers) to the table/surface on which you are painting. This will prevent them from falling over everytime a paintbrush or stamp is placed into them (usually with a large amount of vigor!);
  • keep a wet chux/kitchen sponge handy to wipe up any spills as they occur - this will save you heavy handed scrubbing at the end of the activity;
  • I highly recommend purchasing a painting smock from Ikea - these are the only ones I've found that have adjustable arm lengths and therefore can be made to fit even young toddlers.

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